Well it is the last day of the challenge.... SAD FACE. 30 days went by so quickly, it is hard to believe. First off I need to say thank you to anyone who followed this project, sent me thoughtful encouraging notes, liked my fb posts, or even read this blog without me knowing. Out of all the challenges I took on for thirty days this is the only one I stuck to religiously and it is because so many people held me accountable to this. It was an awesomely wonderful experience. HAHA... this blog sounds like I am accepting an award. I am a nerd.
Welp this picture today is of my back yard. Can you believe it is February in Canada? Like seriously, it looks like Spring. I am on the fence about whether to love or hate it. Obviously the warm weather is great but I am just wondering at what cost?
Moving right along as I mentioned in yesterday's blog I am starting a new picture challenge for the month of February and posting it to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. I am really excited about it because so many people have joined in with me to do it :). Life is better when shared.
That being said I am sure I will be on here once a week maybe doing a weekly round up of some sort. Maybe just the highlights. A lot of people asked me if I liked this project or if it was stressful to add another thing to my "to do" list everyday. To be honest, I loved writing it and the hard part for me was to find something to write about every day. As much as I get a kick out of having my coffee order right and getting a piece for fruit that is at it's peak taste it probably isn't much of a topic that people are going to want to read about daily. My mother has honestly always told me that I get great joy out of the littlest things in life and it is absolutely true.
Cheers! Chat ya soon.
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